Health and fitness have always been a major component in my lifestyle. From childhood we grew up kicking the soccer ball outside as well as inside (I definitely don’t suggest the latter lol). The four children in our household became soccer fanatics which kept us in shape while our parents cooked healthy meals to make sure our diet was great. Years ago our family experienced a couple of scares from my mother getting colon cancer to my brother having failed kidneys. Those two incidents put health more at the forefront of my life and made me more aware of what I put in my body.
Because of God’s grace my mother was cured and I had the opportunity to donate my kidney to my brother. It reminded me once again how precious life was. As a result of my donation I stopped partaking in alcoholic beverages and once again a mirror was held in front of my face to know that toxins in would lead to toxins out. I competed in two different body building competitions not placing in either but ecstatic that I had the discipline to even be on stage. I thought I was the healthiest I could get until a couple of years ago when I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease called Graves. It rocked my world and I definitely was starting to go into a depression however I caught myself and now am a vegan, gluten free machine. This section will focus on my health journey to veganism (not a word) as well as my ups and downs with Graves. Enjoy!!!!